Early Investigations Into Using a Remote RAM Pool with the vl3 Visualization Framework

Dawid J. Zawislak

RAN, or the RAM Area Network, is a collaborative project between the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility and Chicago-based company Kove, Inc. The RAM Area Network attempts to provide a means for allocating and de-allocating memory from devices at near-RAM like speeds, allowing for users to run their jobs with exactly the amount of RAM they need. In this talk, we give an overview of RAN and discuss an implementation with vl3, a parallel framework for large-scale visualization and analysis. The contents of this talk will appear in a paper that will be presented at ISAV 2016: "In Situ Infrastructures for Enabling Extreme-scale Analysis and Visualization", a workshop held in conjunction with SC16.

Short Bio:  Dawid Zawislak is an undergraduate senior at the University of Illinois at Chicago and has been pursuing his Bachelors of Science in Computer Science. He is a co-op student with ALCF's AIG group, under the guidance of Bill Allcock.