How the new C++ will make your life easier!

Hal Finkel

Do you program in C++? Hal Finkel represents Argonne on the C++ standards committee, and he will discuss some of the exciting new features that have been recently added to the language, and some proposals that promise to make your jobs easier and your programs faster. He'd also like to discuss how you can provide feedback to the C++ standards committee moving forward.

C++ is a living programming language, and is developing faster than ever before. The last major revision, C++ 2011, which added major new features including anonymous functions (lambdas), is now supported by both open-source compilers and compilers from many vendors, and C++ 2014 support is just around the corner.

The committee is developing and releasing technical specifications covering extensions for concurrency and parallelism, interfaces for file systems and networking, multi-dimensional arrays, among others. Moreover, major new features are being proposed for C++ 2017, such as first-class coroutines, range abstrations for the standard template library, advanced compile-time reflection, and more.