Developing Patient-Centric Computational Models Using Personalized Fluid Simulations and Artificial Intelligence

Madurima Vardhan, Google Research
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Description: This seminar will cover topics related to developing scalable computational tools and AI models to tackle healthcare challenges beyond human intuition. Healthcare management fundamentally involves two key entities: patient and physician. High-fidelity computational algorithms have been demonstrated to help both these entities and advance healthcare. Therefore, a key aspect of the seminar will be focused on developing and validating physics-based flow models using HPC that can provide predictive power to physicians. Furthermore to empower patient self-management, this seminar will discuss designing empathetic and persuasive reinforcement learning algorithms that can function as automated health coaches. While developing such computational models, designed either for physics-based simulations or AI algorithms, a key challenge is the lack of access to high quality health data due to sensitive patient information. Therefore, the seminar will conclude by proposing ideas for developing synthetic datasets that resemble real world health data and evaluating their usefulness in disease applications. 

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