oneAPI Webinar: Run HPC Apps on CPUs and Xe GPUs using Intel C++/Fortran Compilers with OpenMP

Xinmin Tian, Intel
Intel webinars

Run HPC Apps on CPUs and Xe GPUs using Intel C++/Fortran Compilers with OpenMP

GPUs offer the promise of tremendous compute power for HPC applications (like AI and DL/ML) … of which a majority are developed to run only on high-end CPUs. So how does a developer run AI apps on both CPU and Xe GPU platforms? Register to find out.

If you’re an HPC-focused developer, you likely program and use AI applications that run solely on high-end CPUs … even if the compute power across multiple processing units might be a better performance fit.

So how can you simplify and expedite use of both a CPU and an Xe GPU?

One way is by using OpenMP* coupled with optimized Intel® C/C++ and Fortran compilers.

Join Senior Principal Engineer Xinmin Tian to unpack the possibilities of this CPU-to-GPU offloading model, including:

  • A brief overview of the OpenMP 5.0 standard
  • A deep dive into Intel’s LLVM compiler technology for OpenMP offloading support
  • The performance impact on SPEC ACCEL* OpenMP workloads and kernels with different code-generations schemes

Get the software

Download the Intel® oneAPI HPC Toolkit, which contains 6 optimized tools and libraries for high-performance computing including Intel® C++ and Fortran compilers.

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