Single-molecule and Single-cell Imaging for Bacterial Cell Biology

Julie S. Biteen

Because of the small size of bacterial cells, the mysteries of their subcellular structure, dynamics and cooperativity are well-suited to single-molecule and super-resolution investigations. Our lab has been developing new methods to locate, track, and analyze single molecules to answer fundamental, unanswered questions in live bacterial cells. I will discuss how we are measuring and understanding the dynamical interactions essential for DNA replication and mismatch repair in living Bacillus subtilis cells, as well as our ongoing work to extend our targets from single cells to microbial communities. Overall, our results provide fundamental insight of relevance to human health and disease.
Bio: Dr Bitten has her PhD  and MS in Chemistry and Applied Physics respectively from Cal Tech and did a Chemistry post doc at Stanford on super-resolution imaging in live bacterial cells with W.E. Moerner. She is currently an Associate Professor  at the University of Michigan and a member of the Advisory Committee  for OS- BER. Nicola Ferrier and Robin Graham are hosting here. If you are interested in meeting with her please contact either Nicola or Robin.